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Sparrow_ Bushcraft: Somewhere at an intersection between Mcgyver and Batman you’ll find Bourbon Bill

Bill Roque, also known as Bourbon Bill, was raised in an old country resort nestled some place between the Catskills and Pocono Mountains called DeerPark Farms Resort, His childhood was mostly devoid of TV, phones, or internet, not because they didn't exist but because that just wasn't how we grew up then.

This naturally drew him to the great outdoors. Bill spent his days hiking, horseback riding, and exploring nature. Little did he know that the basic skills he acquired during those childhood days could become essential for his survival later in life.

As a child, Bill built lean-to shelters and forts, honing his craft without realizing the practical applications these skills would have. The same lean-to shelters he constructs today still follow the same style he built as a kid—now second nature to him. What began as fun, and exploration transformed into a valuable skillset that he could rely on both in everyday life and emergencies.

Life took Bill down various paths, but eventually, he found himself back near Cuddebackville , New York—the very woods where his love for nature was born. His philosophy centers around using the best tool available, whether it’s knowledge, improvisation, or the items in his pockets or backpack. If you share a love for coffee, bourbon, and bushcraft, Bourbon Bill might be your kind of people.

Bourbon Bill is proficient in a variety of outdoor skills including fire-craft, shelter building, foraging and tool making. Bill is also proficient in some more ninja-esque  skills like lock picking and throwing… well just about anything with a blade, and even some things without. With this impressive list of skills, I’m sure you can now appreciate the title of this article!   

 Bill works with a variety of brands from Battle Box to Grim Workshop. He showcases his knowledge and skills through his Sparrow Bushcraft brand where he showcases many amazing products and brands including some of his own. I have had the pleasure of working closely with Bill on a multitude of different projects that I’ve showcased throughout this article.

As you explore the great outdoors, take inspiration from Bill. Learn from the land, adapt, and embrace the craftiness that nature offers. Whether you’re a seasoned bush crafter or a curious beginner, Bill’s journey invites everyone to discover their own path—one that winds through the wilderness, fueled by coffee, bourbon, and a love for the wild.

Also if you'd like to support Bill please go check out his website here and his merch line which features many of the designs above here!

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